Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Starting Again...

I'm trying this blog thing again. I didn't really have a clear purpose when I started, and it showed. My updates were extremely few and very far between. Now, they're gone.

I'm using this as a way to keep myself motivated on several fronts. With this being sort of public, I'm calling myself on the carpet. So here goes...

To start, let's tackle health/fitness. I've never been one to exercise.
That's a lie.
I have been one to exercise, but in fits & starts. The person who goes to the gym every day for a week or two, then avoids all exercise for months on end. Was okay when I was 22, but helped pack on 40 lbs by the time I was 32. I was disgusted with myself, so lost weight. No chips, no sodas, no burgers, and no exercise.
Looked pretty good, but still felt fat. Not in a vain way. I didn't want to lose more weight for beauty or fashion. I wanted to walk my big dumb dog without being winded. To chase along my daughter as she tried to ride without training wheels.
I knew that exercise had to be a part of my regular day. If it was an effort to drive to the gym, or to arrange childcare, or juggling group exercise schedules to fit my schedule of work, volunteering at school, three kids with music and swim lessons... you get the idea.

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