Sunday, August 09, 2009

This time tomorrow...

This time tomorrow, I'll be getting back from my morning run. The house will be quiet, and seem quite large.

I will enjoy my second cup of coffee hot, since I won't be forgetting it at the site(s) of mid morning kid spats which have been so common this summer.

News reading, blogging, weekly meal planning, errand running and even laundry folding will be done with the ability to finish a complete thought.

And, by 2:25 tomorrow afternoon, I will be very happy to start the rounds for picking up my noisy gang. I'm looking forward to hearing about old friends, new teachers and all the excitement of the new school year.


Slamdunk said...

Do you hear that awful sound from up north? That is my jealous groan...

mappchik said...
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mappchik said...

And the sound you hear from the south? That's me laughing out loud while doing a victory dance...

...I survived the Summer! Woo Hoo!