The backstory:
Last night, sometime between midnight and 1 a.m., a fellow over-corrected coming around the curve, and flipped into ivy at the drop near my driveway. Neighbor across the street made the phone call.
Guy climbed out of the car on his own. Took off his necktie and walked around. Seemed pretty calm and composed, especially for having just flipped over.
Police, fire department, and ambulance came. Tow truck hauled everything away.
This morning, when I walked out to see if any trees had been battered, and to clean up any glass which could have been a problem for walkers, runners and cyclists, I noticed a few things on the ground. Large sections of the windshield, a necktie, the pocket of a door or center console, a leather folder of CDs, a business card... and a big ol' empty can of Fosters. It was shiny and on top of one of the windshield chunks, so I'm pretty darn sure it had not been hidden in the ivy before the accident.
And now, the questions:
- Do I call the police, to find out if this was an official DUI? If they didn't charge him, do I mention the Fosters can?
- As for the personal items on the ground, would this also be a call for the police? I think the name on the business card is probably the guy in the car, but I'd hate for us to contact him, only to find out it's his boss.
Yeah, I would call the PD back, let them inventory and collect the items. They can decide if there is anything worthwhile for their case and at the least clean things up for you--so you all don't have to deal with it.
I thought I should, but wasn't sure. I'll give the PD a call tomorrow afternoon. Thanks!
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