At least, until the tree limb came down through the power lines.
No damage to house or property. Fell into the street. Didn't even take down the lines; just knocked out the power to the street. The Georgia Power crew had us up and running again in fairly short order, kind of. It did put a stop to the ironing, mid-basket.
Today's trip to the Atlanta Botanical Garden is on hold while we wait to hear about tree service. There are a few more branches in the overhanging sweetgum which should probably be trimmed before the next big storm moves through.
I'll be working on my $125/week grocery challenge update, and keeping the kids occupied with some chores around the house.
And, I'll get back to my ironing. A little more starch and steam ought to set me back to rights.
kudos to georgia power-crew.
when I lived in NC and thru hurricane fran the same crews traveled down to help us out as well...
hope your day got FAR better from there----
Thanks. It did. The power outage meant a full eight hours of sleep.
The next day was fantastic, and I finished up the ironing while watching Mad Men. Perfect ending to the ordeal.
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