Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm not sure, but I might be a domestic terrorist

I'm used to being thought of as "odd" for some - or most - of my views, but some recent news items have left me wondering if I might be a bit more dangerous.

from an article at Fox News:

If you're an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group.

That's according to "The Modern Militia Movement," a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities.

And this little icon from Homeland Stupidity popped up at WenchWisdom:

And, from Glenn Beck's Monday show:

Now, how many of these things in my life show up on the checklist?
  • Donated money to 3rd party candidates and Republican Liberty Caucus wing of GOP
  • Used to have Ron Paul bumper sticker. Can occasionally still be seen about town in a "Who is Ron Paul?" shirt, when not wearing "Government is the negation of liberty" or "Got Liberty?"
  • Has a copy of the Constitution on her iPhone
  • Former/current Libertarian Party member
  • Gun owner
  • Unhappy taxpayer
  • Donated money to libertarian/free market groups, such as CATO and Ludwig von Mises Institute
  • Member of Free State Project
  • Owns hard currency
  • Fan of small government, states rights and the sovereignty of the individual.
Update: Apparently, I'm not that dangerous after all. From WenchWisdom:

Suddenly Domestic Terrorism is No Longer Fun
Yesterday, the MIAC amended their report to the FBI to exclude a lot of what they perceive to be "terrorists", and now it's no longer fun to poke fun at the whole situation--a situation created by a group of loonies with tinfoil hats and a handful of 9-11 Truthers.

One thing that IS fact from their list: militia members tend to vote third-party. That's all.

It appears I can no longer commit treason and tyranny simply by waving the flag, posting links to videos of Constitutional discussion, and by owning a gun--my fun has been taken away!

Now I actually have to WORK at being a domestic terrorist....sheesh! :)


Slamdunk said...

Wow, good topic--I had not seen this one. I am not sure if it is safe for me to visit here any more with your "label."

I looked up the cited MIAC report (with the edits that you discuss), and I think there are still a couple of minor misleading parts to it.

After reading the eight pages my primary thought is: I hope they did not spend too much money on this report as it reminds me of what one can find on militias in 20 minutes on Wiki and other immediately available sources.

Slamdunk said...

Wow, good topic--I had not seen this one. I am not sure if it is safe for me to visit here any more with your "label."

I looked up the cited MIAC report (with the edits that you discuss), and I think there are still a couple of minor misleading parts to it.

After reading the eight pages my primary thought is: I hope they did not spend too much money on this report as it reminds me of what one can find on militias in 20 minutes on Wiki and other immediately available sources.

mappchik said...

I think I'm off "the list", with the new qualifications. Or, maybe I've just been moved some sort of super double secret probationary list. A list that only applies every other Monday, and only in Missouri?

Will have to check the calendar before June's big road trip. Would hate to have it coincide with the St. Louis stop.