Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Best Mother's Day... Ever!

Thursday, May 06, 2010
Stitch & Learn

Bit of a dilema

The backstory:
- Do I call the police, to find out if this was an official DUI? If they didn't charge him, do I mention the Fosters can?
- As for the personal items on the ground, would this also be a call for the police? I think the name on the business card is probably the guy in the car, but I'd hate for us to contact him, only to find out it's his boss.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
TV Time - Way too much time, in fact.

Saturday, May 01, 2010
I want to pee alone.

Friday, April 30, 2010
Going [a little bit] Green

Noet to slef:
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Invasion of the 3rd graders

The work it takes to handle children's birthday parties increases at an alarming rate with each additional child... especially when you get into double digits. Look, I've made this handy-dandy, super scientific chart:

- Reusable bottles, with "Drink Me" tags attached.
- Containers filled with variety of Skittles (regular, sour & crazy core), with "Eat Me" tags. (Normally would have gone with M&Ms, but I was prepped for a child with peanut allergies.)
- Croquet. Small group, while kids were still arriving, and most of the others were chasing down DD's big brother (he's such a great sport).
- Balloon Pop - Tag. Tied balloons to everyone's ankles, and let them work out a strange boys vs. girls thing, which I never quite understood, since the prize went to the last person with an unpopped balloon. (This is the perfect game for that age, by the way. It combines two favorite activities - running and stomping balloons.)
- Painting the Roses Red. In hindsight, I think I'd hand out red stickers if I did this again. If you placed bets on how long it would take the kids to start painting each other instead of the rosebush... well, let's just say it happened sooner than I expected.

Friday, April 23, 2010
After a week of playing with power tools, I still have all my fingers. I'm calling that a WIN!
- 2 wickets, hearts on one side, spades on the other
- hand-lettered Royal Croquet Court sign
- caterpillar wicket to place by final stake, or used by chess table
- cheshire cat, to be placed in dogwood tree by court
- heart shaped rosebush with white roses*, which will be used in blindfolded "Painting the roses red" game
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Super Clutz + Jigsaw: What could possibly go wrong?

The munchkin is turning 9 next week. For the past four years, the "Party or trip?" question has been answered "Trip". Not this year. This year, Alice in Wonderland. But, DD decided she's too grown up for a little girl tea party.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Attitude adjusted.
- Legs have been sluggish and heavy since the marathon three weeks ago. And, I tire easily. It's like I have nothing in reserve.
- Since taking the short runs up to 7 miles, and the medium/long routes to 12-20 miles during marathon training, it now takes me 2-3 miles just to get warmed up and into a good rhythm. I only had time for a 3 mile run today, which is frustrating.
- It's peak pollen season around here. Runny nose. Itchy eyes. Scratchy throat.
- I've been playing with kids & gardening during spring break, so it's been over a week since my last real cardio workout.

Thursday, April 08, 2010
Back to normal
My kids are up to something.

I'm not sure what my trio is planning, but something is in the works. How do I know this? They are getting along.
Friday, April 02, 2010
How I spent my blogging vacation
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sorry, sweetie. Bacon is not a vegetable

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sometimes, avoiding a problem works wonders.
Several months ago, it came to my attention someone I've known for a very long time was reading my blog to keep tabs on my life. It sounds ridiculous, given the amount of information I made available to complete strangers, but this was different.
I read a few blogs, and a few people have read mine. Some days are just reading, but some days become a conversation. You share a similar story from your life or thank the blogger for providing you with a good laugh, a yummy recipe, or for a glance at life from a slightly different viewpoint.
This particular person though, was just keeping tabs on me. To have access to my thoughts and life without needing to make it a two way conversation. I didn't like it. I let it eat at me for several weeks, then walked away from my computer.
With a month or so of perspective, and a few months of a super busy family schedule, I realized how silly it is to let someone have that kind of power over my behavior.
So, I'm back on the blog, and looking forward to jumping back into reading & commenting at my favorite blogs, too.