Unique experience in the Supper Complaints Department (SCD) tonight.
(The SCD is open daily, between 5:30 - 7:00pm; Noon-1:00, Saturdays & Sundays.) The children loved the orange pan-glazed tofu (
modified slightly from Heidi at 101cookbooks), but there was a complaint from the adult segment of our market. Not about the tofu or the veggie fried rice, but about the chopped kale added at the end. (Wuss!)

I fully expected complaints from the kids about the sauce and veggies. Did not get one. Letting them run orange segments through the juicer and slice the carrots & green beans must have helped avoid the "What is this?" question which sets off so many whines. The sauce, by the way, was amazing. Sweet and slightly sour, and just begging for me to toss in a bunch of chilies when I want to make a non-kid version, sometime in the future.
I still have a bunch of the organic kale, so I'll be finding another way to serve it in the next few days. Maybe a Portuguese stew with potatoes like I saw on Anthony Bourdain's show on Travel Channel the other night - though that was technically a dish from the
(Not sure if I grabbed the right video clip for the link. It's a sketchy day for the cable modem today, and I couldn't wait through the lagtime.)
Finished up my weekly shopping early this week, with a post run (3.4 miles - sore hilly miles) stop by Whole Foods yesterday. $39.19, plus $10 for a bottle of Sustainable White. I'll put together my full list for this stock-up week and the totals tomorrow, ahead of schedule, but here's a snap of the goodies. I didn't originally plan to buy more strawberries, but the big boxes of Driscoll's just looked soooo good. Between snacking on whole strawberries with my daughter last night, this morning's breakfast, and slicing several to mix in my spinach salad at lunch, we've gone through more than a pound already. It's cold season though, so I fully support any way of getting extra vitamin C into our systems.
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