Kroger - $55.09
Trader Joe's - $21.40
Trader Joe's - $17.23
Week 8 Total - $93.72
Year to date - $1,153.92
Weekly Average - $144.24
Week 8 Grocery Lists:

Great week for the budget. Under $100, and we didn't have to skip anything. Now, I just have to figure out how to have more weeks like this. (I haven't totaled up week 9 yet, but it's not pretty.)
Supper Wars -
Broke out the Thai cookbook I received as a gift several years ago. There are a couple recipes which I use often enough that I can do from memory, which means there's been fewer chances to browse and pick an adventure meal. DD & I stocked up during Sunday's shopping on the fresh herbs needed, and spent the next four days in a happy abundance of basil, cilantro & ginger.
Rice Soup w/EggsLinks:
It's essentially the Vietnamese Pho, but with rice grains replacing the rice noodles. I was really surprised this didn't go over better. I think we'll try it again, but I'll roll the ground chicken into small meatballs, instead of browning in pan with spices before adding broth & rice. Then, it will be even closer to the bowls of Pho they love.
Stir Fried Pork & Corn w/Chinese Noodles
I was a bit worried about this one, especially after the reaction to Sunday night's meal, but everyone liked it, mostly. B2 requested I use edamame or snow peas next time, as he wasn't a big fan of the crunchy green beans. We talked about it, and he's okay with me trying again after my next Dekalb Farmers Market trip, when I'll have the chance to pick up the thinner long beans.
Warm Tuna & Tomato Salad
Homemade Mac & Cheese, Peas
I knew the kids would try a slice of the tuna steaks, as long as I kept emphasizing the word "steak" while cooking. I didn't make pushing the warm tomato portion was a big priority. The tuna was seared, then tossed in the dressing for the salad before serving. Served their tuna steak slices with mac & cheese an green peas. Mine was tossed on a bed of shredded cabbage with the tomatoes. Soooo Good! Will repeat this exact meal again, and soon.
Thai Style Burgers, Salad
Garlic-roasted Russet & Sweet Potatoes
The seasoning of these burgers was very similar to the normal basil/cilantro/lime burgers we already make with either chicken or turkey. The difference in these burgers was the container of minced button mushrooms. The kids weren't too keen on the texture. (I loved them, of course.)
Cheese Pizza, Salad
Baked Tofu, Fried (Brown) Rice, Broccoflower
The only complaint on this meal was general lamenting over the green of the broccoflower. They like it, very much - they are just eagerly awaiting the day when we can find the purple cauliflower in the market. Yes. Instead of asking for the cereals in the latest commercials, my kids are begging for the veggie they saw in a health news story. (Sometimes, they are the neatest little weirdos.)
Veggie Omelets, Bacon, Whipping Cream/Cheese Biscuits
2009 Grocery Challenge
Supper Wars
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