The numbers:
Regular Shopping & Stock-Up Week
Costco - $20.98
Dekalb Farmers Market - $124.65
Publix - $50.03
Whole Foods - $39.19
Week 5 total - $234.85
Weekly Average - $164.03
Year To Date - $820.13

And, in this week's supper line-up:
Hoisin Lamb Stir Fry w/Snow Peas & Cashews, Spicy Bean Sprouts, Rice
The lamb was a big hit. None of the three cared for the water chestnuts, or the side of bean sprouts, but otherwise, it was liked. (I couldn't tell my daughter this was lamb. Luckily, she didn't ask, so I didn't have to lie.)
Cheddar Packed Turkey/Chicken Burgers Homemade Honey Wheat Buns Roasted Sweet & Russet Potato Wedges Salad
Modified from the cheddar & tomato packed burgers we had a couple weeks ago. Kept the onions and fresh herbs, dropped the chopped tomatoes. Big Success. (Batch of the burger mix is in the freezer, waiting to become meatballs for the next noodle night.)
Boeuf Bourguignon, Green Peas in Butter Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Parsnips
Made straight from Julia Child's cookbook this time. Usually, I keep the mushrooms on the side, but I mixed 'em in. Boys wouldn't eat them, but admitted to liking the flavor of the beef & sauce when the mushrooms are added - which is a step in the right direction.
Orange Pan Glazed Tofu, Veggie Fried Brown Rice & Kale
Other than one kid (out of the blue) fussing about brown rice, and one adult fussing about the chopped kale, went well. Everyone loved the tofu & orange sauce.
Chicken Breasts w/Paprika, Onions & Cream Risotto, Steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower
Called Supremes de Volaile Archiduc in my Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Julia Child). The chicken always comes out perfect, though I usually go with the tarragon version of the sauce.
Portuguese Potato & Kale Soup Cheddar Packed Turkey/Chicken Burgers Oat/Whole Wheat Bread
We thought the soup was wonderful; the kids just liked the broth & potatoes. Combined the spicing from one recipe and the bacon slice start from another to make it. If I had sausage in the house, I'd have gone with the first. Knew the kids wouldn't eat it as the main course, so I pulled out the leftover turkey burgers from Monday (in freezer for Saturday's lunch) to serve with smaller cups of soup. Since the bread was straight out of the oven, dessert was a toasted slice drizzled with honey. (Mmmmm.)
Macaroni & Cheese, Steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower
Ditalini with a homemade cream sauce. Let little people grate parmesan, asagio and cheddar cheese. I'm pretty sure they grate about twice what finally ends up in the pan - there was much giggling over the sneaking of cheese samples.
Working on a couple of comfort food nights during my menu planning for next week. We may or may not have snow, but we will definitely have colder temps and wet weather, so that stew beef I cut from the london broil will be showing up with some barley and/or potatoes soon. Not sure if the kids might like wheat berries better, but barley is what I have, so that's where we'll start.
2009 Grocery Challenge
Supper Wars