My watch time, which accounts for the line at the "pit stop" near Peachtree Battle - 2:19:27
Course was great. I was a little daunted at the thought of point to point at first, but I ended up having a great time. I drive along sections of Peachtree Road often, but don't drive the whole length. Making the transition from each area of town to the next was quite enjoyable. There were a few areas where the smells coming from restaurants were sheer torture. Especially when going through downtown, in the last couple miles.
I'm really happy. Given how hilly the course was, compared to the Silver Comet half, I was shooting for less than 2:30. Next year, I'm going for 2:10 or under. Haven't decided yet whether that should be my run-time, or if I'll push myself to get fast enough for that to be my time with the "nature break" included.

Posting a thumbnail of the official photos. I'm ordering one or two of these from Marathon Foto, but will have to wait for the prints to ship. There is no way I'm paying almost $40 per image, to get the digital file. In the first photo, I'm in blue, ducking around the lady in the green top. Second shot is the finish line photo, in which I am actually smiling. (The print is supposed to be adjusted, so I'm not quite so shadowy.)
My little support crew was fantastic. They got out of bed without [much] complaining to tag along on the 6:15am dropoff at the start, and were there to meet me not long after I passed the finish line by Turner Field. I even had two small volunteers for naptime in the afternoon. We snuggled up on the couch and passed out during the Phineas & Ferb marathon on Disney. Best post race celebration I could have asked for.
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